Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Better View of Xander's Progress

I know, I know. More video? Yes. This is actually a better look at Xander's progress over the last year. It's pretty drastic.



  1. HOLY SHIT! How did you do that??? I'll have what you're having please! That is freaking amazing! It's additionally freaky because it is EXACTLY what we are working on with my daughter right now. She can recount things but not in great detail...NOT Xander's problem anymore...that was some kind of detail he was giving. I'd love it if we could see that much progress within a year. Great job!

  2. Lynn, we did Berard AIT with Xander and had phenomenal results.


  3. That's wonderful. It seems that your wee lad is really working well at expressing and explaining himself, it must be so less frustrating for him (and your family) - well done!

  4. O.M.G. I can't think of anything else to say, give me a sec!!

    Ok, he has THE most beautiful eyes. I love his gappy toothless smile in the last bit but oh wow, the change is incredible. I must start doing it this way too. Looking back I see huge changes in HRH in the last year, but to see it like this is really really powerful.

    I think I love your child, he is just fab :D Jen

  5. @Scribhneoir - Thank you.

    @Jen - It is pretty amazing, eh? He is definitely very easy to love; his sweetness just shines through.

    I have to admit, I always giggle at Spencer in the background saying, "Are you shushing me?"

  6. I heard the 'are you shushing me' lol. I just came back to say that is it ok if I share this with my facebook group? If you get a ton of hits from Ireland you will know why!! Seeing this will do so much for people. Jen (I run a parent support group on FB so it isn't my personal page so that is why I am asking)
