Thursday, February 18, 2010

Spencer says:

Spencer loves to talk, A LOT. Yes, I know what you all are thinking, "Really? You have child that likes to talk? I would've never guessed." Are you all done with your sarcastic thoughts? Good, let's move on. I figure I might as well post Spencerisms every once in a while.

Before you read on, I must warn you, I very rarely censor myself. This means I write without thought for delicate sensibilities. This is not the blog for you if you're offended by occasional potty humor or crassness. I'm not saying that I'll be dropping "F-bombs" or talking about bodily functions constantly, I'm just saying it's going to happen sometimes and probably without warning or apology. Stop shaking your head Mama.

Here are a few Spencerisms. They are short and sweet.
"I run fast because I have a penis." I had no idea. I really would have thought this would be a hinderance, aerodynamically speaking.

"That is surprise!" Spencer's definition of "surprise" is "awesome", so next time you see something awesome think of Spencer and say, "That is so surprise." All the cool almost 4 year olds are saying it.


  1. Love this post....but especially the picture! It is so.....SURPRISE! ;)

  2. My 4 year old is equally obsessed with his penis, although he has not yet attributed his fast running to it.

  3. Love this. My son was always finding his penis useful in any number of situations totally unrelated to its biological function (he would kill me for the telling the world that...)so some for of jet propulsion is quite possible..

  4. HAHAHA..yes, I would think of aerodynamics myself...I'm over from blog gems..:)

  5. I love that last one! And the first one made me snicker. Spencer's a hoot!

    BlogGems #9

  6. Surprise post! Still getting my head round the running fast one.

  7. adore the post and how lovely you both are

  8. And in the same spirit Confucious say man who run naked through turnstiles at airport on way to Bangkok.
    PS - I'm over from Blog Gems :)

  9. Now I know why I run so damn slow.

  10. For realz tho'. Who knew an extra appendage would be so useful?

  11. So THATS the difference, maybe the side to side motion as he is running redirects air currents or something.......who knew!! Jen
